bat control Houston

Signs of Bat Infestation

Understanding Bat Control in Houston

Bats, while beneficial to the ecosystem for their insect control capabilities, can become unwelcome guests in our homes or businesses. When it comes to bat control Houston residents often find themselves in need of professional help. At The Critter Team, we specialize in humane and effective solutions to manage bat populations and prevent their return.

Our focus on safety, both for our clients and the bats, ensures that every removal process is conducted with the utmost care. Bats are protected by law in many areas due to their ecological importance, which is why it’s critical to address bat problems without harming them. This balance between humane treatment and effective removal is at the heart of our approach to bat control in Houston.

Signs of Bat Infestation

Noises and Odors

Bats are nocturnal creatures. The sounds of fluttering or scratching at dusk or dawn can be indicators of a bat colony taking residence in your property. Additionally, bats produce a strong, musky odor from their droppings, known as guano, which can permeate through the walls or ceilings of infested areas.

Visible Droppings

Finding bat guano around your property is a telltale sign. These droppings are hazardous to human health and can cause structural damage if not addressed promptly. Our team is equipped to safely clean and sanitize these areas, eliminating health risks associated with bat guano.

Humane Removal Methods

At The Critter Team, our bat control Houston services are rooted in humane treatment. We use exclusion devices that allow bats to leave but prevent them from returning. This method ensures the colony can continue to thrive and contribute to the local ecosystem elsewhere.

Once we’ve ensured all bats have vacated the premises, we take steps to seal entry points and implement prevention measures, safeguarding your property against future invasions. This comprehensive approach not only addresses the immediate problem but also contributes to a longer-term solution.

Prevention is Key

Property Inspection

An initial step in our process is conducting a thorough examination of your property to identify potential entry points or vulnerabilities. Bats can squeeze through very small spaces, making it essential to seal even the most minor gaps to prevent entry.

Preventative Measures

Installing screens, covering vents, and ensuring chimneys are securely capped can deter bats from entering. We also advise on landscaping or lighting changes that can make your property less attractive to bats. By implementing these preventive measures, we aim to provide a lasting solution to our clients.

Health Risks Associated with Bats

Bats can carry diseases such as rabies and histoplasmosis, which can be harmful to humans and pets. Our team is knowledgeable about the health risks associated with bat infestations and equipped to mitigate these dangers. By removing bats and decontaminating affected areas, we help protect your family’s health and safety.

It’s also worth noting that handling bats without professional training can increase the risk of exposure to these diseases. That’s why it’s crucial to contact a professional team like ours at the first sign of an infestation.

Exclusion Barriers

As part of our bat control Houston services, we install exclusion barriers that are designed to prevent bats from re-entering your property. These barriers are constructed from high-quality materials that withstand the elements and the attempts of bats to bypass them.

Our exclusion work is backed by a guarantee, providing peace of mind that your bat problem has been resolved effectively and for the long term. Our team takes pride in our craftsmanship, ensuring that all exclusion barriers are installed meticulously and discreetly, blending with the aesthetic of your property.

Why Choose The Critter Team

Licensed and Insured

Our team is fully licensed and insured, providing professional wildlife control services that Houston residents can trust. We’re trained to handle a variety of wildlife removal scenarios, including complex bat infestations, safely and effectively.

Humane and Effective

The Critter Team is dedicated to the humane treatment of all wildlife, including bats. Our methods are designed to remove and control bat populations without harm, emphasizing the importance of these creatures to our local ecosystems.

Customer Satisfaction

With a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, we strive to offer flexible appointments, affordable prices, and unrivaled service. Our Google rating of 4.5 reflects our dedication to excellence in every aspect of our service, from the initial inspection to post-removal support.


Can bats damage my property?

Yes, bats can cause structural damage with their droppings and urine. Over time, guano can corrode building materials and require significant cleanup efforts. Our team is equipped to address these issues, repairing any damage and sanitizing affected areas.

Are bats dangerous?

While bats play a crucial role in the ecosystem, they can pose health risks when they cohabitate with humans. Diseases carried by bats can be serious, but with professional bat control services, the risk to your family can be minimized.

How long does bat removal take?

The duration of bat removal can vary depending on the size of the colony and the complexity of the infestation. However, our team works efficiently to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, often completing the removal and exclusion process in just a few days.

When it comes to bat control Houston residents trust The Critter Team for our humane approach, professional service, and long-term solutions. If you’re facing a bat problem, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you reclaim your space safely and peacefully.

Health Risks Associated with Bats

How much does it cost to remove bats in Houston?

Removing bats in Houston can vary in cost, typically depending on the size of the colony and the complexity of the situation. At The Critter Team, we understand that each bat infestation is unique, so we offer personalized quotes after conducting a thorough inspection of your property. Generally, homeowners might expect the costs to range from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars. We aim to provide effective, humane bat removal services at competitive prices, keeping in mind both the safety of our clients and the bats. It’s always a good idea to reach out to us directly for a more accurate estimate based on your specific circumstances.

How do I get rid of bats in Houston?

Getting rid of bats involves a series of steps that should ideally be handled by professionals, given the protected status of bats and the health risks they pose. At The Critter Team, we specialize in humane removal techniques such as exclusion, which allows bats to exit but prevents them from re-entering. We also conduct a thorough inspection to identify and seal potential entry points, preventing future infestations. If you suspect you have a bat problem, the safest approach is to contact us. Attempting to handle the situation yourself could result in harm to both the bats and yourself.

Why is it so expensive to get rid of bats?

The cost of bat removal reflects the complexity and risks involved in the process. Bats pose health risks and are also protected by environmental laws, requiring a humane and careful approach to removal. At The Critter Team, our experienced professionals use specialized equipment and techniques to ensure the safe and lawful handling of bats. Additionally, part of the expense involves not just removing the bats but also decontaminating affected areas and sealing entry points to prevent re-infestation. This comprehensive service ensures your home remains bat-free and safe for the long term, making it a valuable investment in your property and health.

What time do bats come out in Houston?

Bats are nocturnal creatures, and in Houston, they typically become active and venture out for feeding at dusk. You might observe them leaving their roosts as the sun sets, embarking on their nightly insect hunts. This activity can continue throughout the night. However, the peak times to see bats flying out can vary throughout the year, influenced by factors like temperature and insect availability. If you notice bats emerging from your property at dusk, it’s a strong indication of a bat infestation, and it might be time to contact a professional bat removal service like The Crititer Team.

What are the unequivocal signs of a bat infestation?

There are several telltale signs that indicate you might have a bat infestation. Besides seeing bats enter and exit your property, other common indications include the presence of bat guano (droppings) around your property, especially near entry or exit points; strange noises, such as scratching or squeaking from the attic, walls, or other dark areas, particularly at dusk or dawn; and a strong, unpleasant odor resulting from bat urine and guano. If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to act quickly and contact a professional like The Critter Team for a thorough inspection and humane bat removal.

How can I prevent bats from entering my home?

Preventing bats from entering your home involves making your property less appealing and accessible to them. This includes sealing up any cracks, gaps, or holes on the exterior of your dwelling–bats can squeeze through surprisingly small spaces. Installing mesh screens over vents, chimneys, and other potential entry points can also deter bats. Additionally, consider outdoor lighting strategies and landscape modifications to make the area less inviting for bats. Preventative measures are a critical step in bat control, and at The Critter Team, we offer expert advice and services to secure your home against bat invasions effectively.

What diseases can bats carry, and how can I protect my family?

Bats can carry several diseases that pose risks to humans and pets, including rabies and histoplasmosis. While the risks of contracting these diseases are relatively low, it’s important to take precautions seriously. The best way to protect your family is by ensuring that bats do not enter living spaces. This includes securing entry points to your home and avoiding direct contact with bats. If you encounter a bat within your home or property, it’s crucial to contact professionals like The Crititer Team to handle the situation safely. Awareness and prevention are key to minimizing the health risks associated with bats.

Resources for Bat Control